Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 14 PLE Post/Internet Saftey Reflection

Articles read: Guidelines from Provident Living on Internet safety.

Videos watched: i-SAFE, empowering youth to be safe online, I-SAFE & Educators, creating a safer cyberspace.

After going over some of the information about being Internet safe, I was glad for the reminders to always be on guard and to teach youth to take control and be responsible for their Internet experience. It is important to be safe, education is key for both parents and youth, always keeping up to date on what is new in the Internet world.

As part of the "doing experience" I talked with my 8 year old son about Internet safety. He informed that he knew to X anything that popped up, but he did not know that personal information like name, age, address, and phone number should not be shared because he had never encountered such a situation. After sharing some of the information presented on the i-SAFE video, we discussed that he should always ask a parent before giving away such information. Also, if any such information was asked of him while on the computer he committed to inform a parent or other adult immediately. I told him that it was great that he always X-ed pop ups and to make sure he had permission before downloading anything to avoid potential viruses. He further committed that if anything inappropriate showed up on the computer at home, school, or a friends house that he would let his parents or other adult know immediately.

Hunter is a great kid with a knack for technology. As his parent, I keep his time limited on the computer. He has always been respectful to the house rules for the computer, so I didn't think much about computers outside my home. I was glad this assignment brought to my attention the need for continual Internet safety training on an ongoing bases.

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