Friday, January 22, 2010

Week 3 PLE post

A few points that I have learned from the Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines are:
1. Printed materials may be copied but, only from legally acquired originals and only one copy per student. A poem less than 250 words, articles, stories, or essays less than 2,500 words may be copied. If a work is longer than that then only 10% or 1,000 words, whichever is less. Consumables may not be copied.
2. The use of a video for viewing may be used as long as it is legitimately acquired and used in the classroom for instructional purposes.
3. The use of video and music may be used only in portions of 10% or three minutes, whichever is less.
4. Broadcasts may be used in the classroom for instructional purposes.
5. Computer software may be used if legitimately acquired and only one machine at a time may use the program. The number of users at one time my not exceed the number of licences.
6. Images from the Internet may be downloaded along with sound files and video as long as they are legitimately acquired and properly cited and follow the guidelines of Fair Use.
(add as many rows below as you need)
Names: Kristen Gardner, Brittany Beecher, Sheila Reynolds, Erin Farnes

Benny in bed writing his list

Benny wakes up and makes a to do list

Sitting at his desk, teacher at front, writing

Goes to school and writes about a fun family vacation

Emailing on a laptop

Then they write to their pen pals as a class

Handing a note to the teacher with an apple

He wrote a thank you note to his teacher

Reading the book with a pencil and paper next to him

When he gets home, he works on his book report

Handing her the note and getting a hug

He writes a love note to his mom

In bed, writing in his journal

He writes in his journal before bed

Mom giving him a kiss good night, pencil and journal in hand, bubble saying “I love writing!”

Good night Benny

Credit Page:

Monday, January 18, 2010

week 2 PLE post

This week I have learned to take at least three deep breaths before I sit down and work on computer and technology skills or I'm liable to start crying and then beat my computer up with my sons baseball bat. On the really bright side of it all I am learning stuff, not that I could explain it to anyone just yet. The biggest aha moment for me is that there is more than one way to get something done and when all else fails, shut everything down, turn the power off, wait 10 seconds, call my mom, and then start all over again. I sent a video email, not sure it worked. Also, I am still trying to figure out this wiki business.
I will get it, I will get it, I will get it, I will get it, I will get, I will get it, I will get it, I will get it, I will get it, I will get it! I figure a few extra positive affirmations couldn't hurt.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

week 1 PLE post

Yippee! Yahoo! The world must be near its end because Sheila Reynolds has created a Blog. I can now add this to my list of technology skills which also include working a DVD player, CD player, cell phone (including text messaging), the ability to google, and very basic computer skills (impressed yet?). Yes, I have struggled with technology most of my life. Needless to say it often terrifies me. However, I am so optimistic about this class and feel lucky to be enrolled in such a thing that will motivate me to learn that which deep down inside I really want to. Skills in the technology world! The great thing about knowing so very little is at the end of the class I hope to receive the award of most improved.