Friday, January 22, 2010

(add as many rows below as you need)
Names: Kristen Gardner, Brittany Beecher, Sheila Reynolds, Erin Farnes

Benny in bed writing his list

Benny wakes up and makes a to do list

Sitting at his desk, teacher at front, writing

Goes to school and writes about a fun family vacation

Emailing on a laptop

Then they write to their pen pals as a class

Handing a note to the teacher with an apple

He wrote a thank you note to his teacher

Reading the book with a pencil and paper next to him

When he gets home, he works on his book report

Handing her the note and getting a hug

He writes a love note to his mom

In bed, writing in his journal

He writes in his journal before bed

Mom giving him a kiss good night, pencil and journal in hand, bubble saying “I love writing!”

Good night Benny

Credit Page:


  1. Your story board is really cool. It really stresses the importance of writing and the use of a lot of different mediums to do that. I am really excited to see your story come to life!

  2. What a well organized storyboard! I think children can definitely relate to this so they'll want to read it. I love how the message "writing can be fun" comes across so clearly through this story. Way to go! Can't wait for the final!

  3. I really like the pictures that you have on your blog :) You've put together a terrific storyboard-- I think it turned out really well. Will your son be Mr. Benny?
